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  • Writer's picturemariel quintero

The Impact of Sports Sponsorships in the Coming Years (2024 and Beyond)

  1. Growing Awareness and Power of Fans

In the coming years, we can expect fans to continue to increase their awareness and exert greater pressure on sports properties when the sponsor has a questionable track record or is not socially responsible. Although in Mexico this trend is still emerging, it will undoubtedly consolidate as a norm driven by the “new” fans, who value social principles and are more inclined to observe brand values.

2. Importance of Values and Reputation of Sponsoring Companies

The social personality of the sponsor, its ethics, reputation in the market and its achievements in social issues will be crucial for young sports fans. Today, consumers prioritize ethics and values over money. Sam Carpa, a leading sponsorship specialist, notes that “research suggests that consumers are increasingly aligned with purpose-driven brands that reflect their own values.”

3. Rise of New Sponsors

We are seeing new sponsors entering the market, some with significant resources to acquire association rights with big-name clubs. Among the most relevant examples are bookmakers and cryptocurrency companies, which have emerged as major players in the sports sponsorship arena.

4. The Value of Women's Sports

Unbundling the women's team from the men's team has proven to be a valuable strategy. Women's sports have recovered rapidly and have gained significant importance in brands' sponsorship decisions. From a brand perspective, women's clubs are attracting sponsors that may never have considered partnering with men's clubs. In 2024, it is a business mistake to continue to sell men's and women's sponsorship rights together, or to consider women's sponsorship as a “bonus” for men's club sponsors.

5.Integration of Sponsors as Business Partners

The commercial success of sports clubs will increasingly depend on the integration of sponsors at the level of business partners, i.e. in “win-win” arrangements where the sponsor's products or services also have the opportunity to be marketed by the property. At SMART Sponsorship Evolution we believe that the financial solution for commercial departments lies not in increasing the cost of sponsorship on an annual basis, but in the innovative creation of new commercial assets that bring value to both the club and the sponsor.

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